Frequently Asked Questions

What’s new in Salt 2?

If you’ve played Salt 1, you might be wondering what will be different in the sequel. While the core feeling of freedom and exploration in an open world pirate setting will be the same, there’s a lot we are changing.

For starters, a complete visual overhaul. We are switching to a new rendering pipeline allowing for much better graphical fidelity. This means brand new models, textures, shaders, lighting, animations, UI, and performance improvements. While the game will still have a stylized look to it, we want everything to feel polished and much better than in Salt 1. We are also implementing a new island generation system for more varied and interesting islands.

In addition to visual changes, Salt 2 will have a much greater focus on crafting, ship upgrades, character progression, and survival mechanics. We want the gameplay loop of exploring islands and the sea to fit directly into upgrading your character and your boat. Your ship will be your home at sea, and we want it to really feel that way. In addition to a deeper crafting and upgrade system, we also want progression systems in many aspects of the game, including talents, levels, and things of that nature.

We are also including brand new hand crafted points of interests such as caves to create more interesting stories and adventures to discover in an otherwise infinite world.

And of course Salt 2 will include brand new quests, more elaborate and interesting points of interests, new gear, better combat mechanics, and new music.

When will the game release?

Right now our plan is to release onto Steam Early Access Winter of 2022. We will have more information on a definitive release date as development progresses.

What platforms will the game release on?

Initially, we will release on PC though we do plan on porting to Playstation and Xbox if possible. We are building the game with controller support from the beginning as well.

Is the world infinite?

Yes. The world is procedurally generated which means you can pick a direction and sail forever if you want to.

What kind of game is Salt?

Salt is a game that mainly focuses on freedom, exploration, and RPG mechanics. You are dropped in the middle of an infinite ocean and free to pick a direction and explore at your heart’s content. During your adventure you will hunt and fish for food, fight pirates and captains, go on quests, discover ancient ruins, craft gear and upgrade your ship, and more. Salt is not a PVP naval combat game. The game is focused on exploration first and foremost.

How big is your development team?

We are currently two members. Although building big open world games can be a challenge as a small team, we also love that we have the ability to constantly interact with our community. One of our goals is to be as transparent as possible and involve the community in the development process.